Namespace LemonEdge.API.ComplexTypes
A complex type definition for holding the results of running a query that returns the audit history of a specified item
Can be executed from GetAuditData(Nullable<Guid>, Guid, Guid, String)
A complex type definition for holding the results of running a query that returns the changes in a canves
Can be executed from Execute(Guid, QueryableExecuter<ICanvasItem>)
A complex type definition for holding the result of searching across the entire system for third party ids
Can be executed from GetMatchingDataSources(Nullable<Guid>, String, Boolean, Nullable<Guid>, Nullable<Guid>, String)
A complex type definition for holding the results of running the system default GL Rollup SQL Wrapper.
Can be executed from Execute(Guid, Guid, QueryableExecuter<IGLRollupInfo>)
A complex type definition for holding the results of running the system GetInstrumentCapitalAccountDataSettings sql wrapper query
Can be executed from Execute(Nullable<Guid>, QueryableExecuter<IInstrumentCapitalAccountDataSettingResult>)
A complex type defintion for holding the results of running the system standard GetInstrumentSets SQL Wrapper query
Can be executed from Execute(Guid, QueryableExecuter<IInstrumentSetInfo>)
A complex type definition for holding the results of running the system query for retrieving system notifications
Can be executed from GetNotificationData(Nullable<Guid>, Nullable<Guid>, Nullable<Guid>, String)
A complex type definition for holding the results of executing the system default GetPathInfo sql wrapper query
Can be executed from GetPathInfo
The default complex type that can always be used for executing any SQL Wrapper and retrieving the results
The helper class SQLWrapperInterpretor can be used to evaluate and interrogate the results held in this class
Any sql wrapper can be executed using GetSQLResults(Guid, String, String)
A dummy complex type used for stored procedure sql wrappers that do not return results, but instead just return a 0/1 exit code
A complex type definition for holding the results of running a query that returns aggregate transaction info according to specified parameters
Can be executed from AggregateTransactionValue(Nullable<Guid>, Nullable<DateTimeOffset>, Guid, Nullable<Guid>, Nullable<Guid>, Nullable<Guid>, Boolean, Nullable<DateTimeOffset>, DateTimeOffset, DateTimeOffset)
The types of changes the audit query automatically categorizes.
A list of the types of changes that can be made to data within a canvas